Rabu, 02 September 2009

Informasi Lowongan Kerja BROADCAST OPERATION & ENGINEERING PT MNC Skyvision (INDOVISION) September 2009


PT MNC Skyvision (INDOVISION) as a pioneer company with operations in pay television business encompassing from content of worldwide television channels and also as the largest and only integrated pay television company in Indonesia.


Male, 22-26 years old
Experienced in Master Control, Broadcast Engineering, Fresh graduate are welcomed
Associate Degree or Bachelor Degree in Telecommunication or Electro
English proficiency both written & spoken
Able to operate broadcast devices (VTR, Video Server, etc.)
Have a good understanding in MPEG - 2 and RF Signal
Please submit your application with a comprehensive resume and a recent photograph to:



tag:informasi lowongan kerja Indovision,lowongan kerja terbaru indovision september 2009,lowongan kerja terbaru broadcast operator,update lowongan kerja terkini

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