Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009

Lowongan kerja Sekretaris di Jakarta dan Surabaya Agustus 2009

Job at PT. Dozen Ray. This company is representative of the Trading Company based in Taiwan and has a branch in Vietnam. This company is engaged in the field of materials importers & Plastics Chemical from China & Taiwan for sale in Indonesia.

Job with the position:
1. Secretary 2 people (1 in Surabaya, 1 in Jakarta)
2. Sales 6 people (each for 3 in Jakarta and 3 in Surabaya)

Location of work: Jakarta & Surabaya

1. Secretary
- Male / Female age 20-35 years (preferably single), at least 2 years experience
- Minimal graduates from D3 all departments
- Fluent in English oral and written
- Advanced computer use (MS Office)

2. Sales
- Men / women age 25-25 years old, dynamic, creative, communicative, independent, hard worker
- Minimal graduates from D3 all the way (especially chemicals & marketing), sales experience in at least 2 years
- Fluent in English oral and written
- Advanced computer use (MS Office)

Please send CV & app. letter along with recent photo to:

Email: rmpasaribu@gmail.com
No. Tel. : 087881383155

Include in the letter of application, you know the information on this vacancy and how the source (from what website or newspaper or what the other).

Job was closed on 20 August 2009

tag:lowongan kerja terbaru, lowongan sekretaris terbaru 2009,info lowongan kerja update tiap hari,lowongan kerja jakarta,lowongan kerja surabaya.

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